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Pretreatments of XLA Fabric

  Optimizing the finishing process is important to get the desired flexibility and dimension stability of main fabric. It is suggested to take the following steps of finishing process to optimize elasticity of XLA fabric.

To relax the fabric as much as possible to improve the flexibility
  First processing of XLA fabric with flat treatment can maximally improve the flexibility of the fabric. The treatment should ensure the proper temperature and sufficient processing time, keep the tension to a minimum level, and make XLA fabric as relax as possible in the treatment tank to enhance the flexibility of the XLA fabric.
The key processing as following:
  1.Reduce warp tension and avoid stretching the fabric at weft direction. The equipment with active loading wheel is recommended to decrease the warp tension as much as possible.
  2. Use continuous process with at least five washing sink for first heating. Gradually increase the water temperature from 50 ℃ to 85 - 90 ℃ and control the speed at 50m/min. This step is usually associated with desizing, refining and other pretreatment process.
  3.Dwell time directly effect the relaxing treatment. To achieve the greatest degree of relaxation of the fabric, the appropriate treatment conditions should be based on the equipments currently used. Basically, the usual processing time is about 15-30 minutes.

Fabric exposure to 130℃ or higher to achieve maximun dimensional stability
  The fabric reachs its minimum internal stress level around 130℃, and thereafter remains constant. Superior fabric dimensional stablility is achieved by combining maximum relaxation followed by exposure to 130℃. This step is usually associated with drying, shaping process.

  The critical steps of finishing process

  The critical steps to develop fabric's stretch and dimensional stability of XLA fabric can be combined with normal finishing process of non-elastic fabrics. The treatment temperature are not a limitation during processing for XLA fabrics. Properties of XLA fabric will not be affected under 220℃.
  XLA fabric has excellent resistance to most chemical agents commonly applied in the textiles industry, including acid, caustic, oxidative and reductive agents. As a reslut, the finishing process of XLA is free to select any chemical agents and concentration of the agents without considering the restrictions of the fibre critical steps to increase fexiblity and dimension stablelity of XLA fabrics.





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